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Monthly Bugs, June 2013

Continued from the May 2013 bugs thread


 The posting rules are as always:


  • Each post here should only contain a brief description of a bug, together with a link to the thread where it is being discussed.
  • One post/bug!
  • One bug/post!
  • No discussion of bugs. All discussions of a bug must take place in the original linked thread.
Message 1 of 10

I've seen this problem for some time now, and it still exists in the Silver toolset Waveform Chart in LV 2012.  If the chart is in strip mode, and you edit the upper limit value to a point in the future, the X-Axis will invert (higher values/ later time to the left), to the limit of the Chart History length.  This happens whether the chart is active (logging data on a compiled executable) or even when in design mode, though it's more consistent when there's data in the chart.  It's not history length related as far as I can tell, as I set the length to 7 days of sampling @ 1-second intervals (605K), and it happens when I try to set the end time to an hour in the future with only a few minutes of data collected - suddenly the right Absolute Time becomes the time my last sample point was collected, while the left Absolute Time becomes nearly 7 days in the future (so neither end point is what I was setting it to).


It's nice that the chart gives the option of editing the limits, but as such, it's important that they work as you would expect them to.


Also - until this is addressed, is there a way to lock it against editing?  Until a fix is made, my workaround is to put a transparent button over the range start & end points, and a transparent flat rectangle above all other mid-range points, and pop-up a data entry form with a Timestamp control to allow editing.  Unfortunately, this doesn't work as I would expect, as typing "11 AM" in the Timestamp control over a prior value of say "10:05:34.232 AM" ends up becoming "11:05:34.232 AM" instead.  ???  Another error - or is this by design?  If it's by design, is there an option to make it behave as I would prefer (11 AM = 11:00:00.000 AM), as Excel behaves with timestamps?  I can't help but suspect this may be linked to the chart axis issue.




0 Kudos
Message 2 of 10



You should not be posting the bug here, but a link to the discussion of the bug.  We don't want this thread to get lost in discussions of bugs (especially as new bugs come in, messages will be getting mixed together).  Best practice is to create a new thread in the LabVIEW forum, and then post a link with a short description of the bug.



Message 3 of 10

Please read the rules listed on the 1st message of the thread.  Have your thread that discusses the bug elsewhere.  Once there is a general agreement that you have a bug, then post a message here with only a brief description of the bug and the link to the original message thread.  I don't wee where you have a link to your original message thread, and your post in this thread seems like a long, detailed discussion.  From what you are discussing, I don't even know if you truly have a bug.


The reason for the rules is so that we don't clutter this thread with many conversations on various topics.  It is just to be a quick repository of links so people can keep up with discovered problems and can look elsewhere to get the details.  Many times people are quick to point out they have discovered a bug, only to turn out it was user error, or a failure to read the documentation of a function clearly.  We don't wan't to clutter this thread with noise like that.

Message 4 of 10

Got it - moving the post to here.  Any way to remove the original from this thread?




Message 5 of 10

@ErikL68 wrote:

Any way to remove the original from this thread?

I think we can leave things in place. This way others are reminded again when reading it.

So far we don't have a mess with multiple error discussions interspersed. 😄

Message 6 of 10

Link to discussion:


In brief: on Windows 8 Pro + LabVIEW 2011 SP1 'Open URL in default' doesn't work when LabVIEW was started with administrator privileges.

Igor Titov, ex-CLA, ex-CERN, etc.
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 10

Please don't post something to this message board until you have confirmation that you have actually found a bug.  If you have gotten a CAR# in the message thread, then you have something worth posting here.


However, in this case you did not find a bug because an NI engineer later posted in your thread that LV 2011 does not support Windows 8.

Message 8 of 10

CAR 414839


The dt value of a waveform coming out of a Complex to Real/Imaginary function changes depending on whether the other output is wired or not.

Message 9 of 10

A new thread has been started for July 2013.


This thread is now closed.

0 Kudos
Message 10 of 10