09-14-2010 01:07 AM
I am using labview to record information from a circuit.
The circuit uses a 6503 card.
When I open Labview there are a few drop down options that let you choose what Dev/port/line you want to use.
But if the port/line you are using is not specificied, is there a way you can type the one you need rather than chosing a drop down option?
09-14-2010 09:30 AM
All of the available lines/ports will be listed in a physical channel control dropdown. Which one do you think you need that is not listed?
p.s. A 6503 is a strictly digital I/O card so you should not have posted to this board.
09-14-2010 07:33 PM
Oh I see... I actually no very very little about the program etc.. I work at a university and have some IT guys and technicians attempting to sort it out for me but they cannot get it working.
Basically I've been told that the circuit needs 'port 2 line 4-7' . None of the options allow for this.
I will go back and re-post on the correct board then, thanks for letting me know, and thanks for the prompt reply.