03-16-2012 04:29 PM
Hey Nasib,
It looks like you are generating your frequency correctly. Because your voltage is dropping by such a relatively large value, it looks like you could be greatly overloading the 6341. The minimum resistance that you can connect to that card is 313Ω (5V/16mA).
Travis Ann
03-19-2012 11:56 AM
thanks,, but wat can i do to to minmize the drope.
03-20-2012 04:02 PM
Hi Nasib,
You need to try to match the resistance to be at least 313Ω, so that you don't overload the card.
Travis Ann
12-13-2013 06:22 AM
Can you tel me how to generate the a frequency of 10KHz of freq. Sorry I m new to this labview.
12-16-2013 12:59 PM
Hi ash.gn2011
You can open a LabVIEW example to generate the 10 kHz.
Follow this example, configure the sampling rate to 100kHz and adjust the frequency to 10kHz.
These articles explain more about DAQmx VIs and analog sampling.
Also please remember to create a new post for every new question since this thread was closed almost a year ago so we can keep a better track of the forum.