03-15-2016 12:22 PM
Hello, I'm looking for an example in DIAdem to do a simple Data Acquisition. All of the examples in DIAdem have simulated inputs but there looks like
there is a NI-DAQmx Driver Pallet that has several data acquisition blocks. Does anyone have any examples I can look at ? Below is an example
I pulled up with the NI-DAQmx Driver Pallet.
Thank You
03-16-2016 05:15 AM
Hi RudyG,
First you need to define so called „Global Virtual Channels” in MAX (Measurement and Automation Explorer). All channels which you defined there can be chosen in “Driver-Inputs” for measuring data or “Driver-Outputs” for sending data to the hardware.
Then you can either load an example, select the “NI-DAQmx Driver” and drop it over an input block like “Random” – or define your own DAC scheme.
I hope this helps.
03-16-2016 03:54 PM
Hello Walter,
Where in MAX do I define the "Global Virtual Channels”. I poked around and I can't seem to find the option.
03-16-2016 03:59 PM
Hi Walter
I found it.