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Can DAQ USB 6002 digital output at 5V configured in active drive mode?

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I am using NI USB-6002 and I would like to know if a digital output configured as active drive can give 5V as "1" logic. Is it only possible to get 3,3V for "1" logic with active drive configuration?. I already Know the open collector possibility with an external voltage of 5V, but I am asking regarding the active drive output configuration. Is there any property which can be changed in LabVIEW for that?

Thanks a lot

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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author AlvaroCalleja

Unfortunately, the hardware is not capable of active-drive 3.3V

Soliton Technologies

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Message 2 of 3


I understand that the hardware is not capable of active-drive 5V.


Thanks a lot

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Message 3 of 3