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Calculating PXIe-4145 SMU Resolution

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I am trying to calculate the resolution of my PXIe-4145 4CH Precision SMU, but Figure 2 in the PXIe-4145 Spec Sheet appears to have inconsistent labels on the x-axis. If all labels were in msec (not mixed usec/msec), it would map to a consistent logarithmic scale as the graph implies.


PXIe-4145 SMU Resolution graph.jpg


aperture (sec) resolution (ppm) notes
0.010000000 1 if graph didn't curve
0.001000000 10  
0.000100000 100 incorrectly labeled as 0.1 usec
0.000010000 1000 incorrectly labeled as 0.01 usec
0.000001667 6000 I think this is the max sample rate of 600kS/sec
0.000001000 10000 if graph continued


link to spec sheet:


Message 1 of 3
Accepted by sam.broyles

Yes, you're correct; the X-axis labels should be 1µ, 10µ, 100µ, 1m, 10m, and 100m.  Thanks for pointing this out.

Message 2 of 3

Hey Sam, 


Thank you for bringing this to our attention. 

I've filed a Corrective Action Request (CAR) to fix this in the 4145 specs (and also the 4144) specs.



Chris J.

Product Support Engineer


Message 3 of 3