Digital Multimeters (DMMs) and Precision DC Sources

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pxi 4060 backplane connection

I have PXI-1000B chassis, 2503 MUX and 4060 DMM. I have to scan 12 or so inputs and for now I am using CB-68LP terminal block. Is there any chance to use PXI chassis� back plane to connect to MUX and DMM instead of using front panel. As a result this would eliminate two wires going to the terminal block.
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Message 1 of 4
No, the only signals between the NI-4060 and NI-2503 that you are able to share along the PXI backplane are trigger signals. The NI-2503 can only route the common of its MUX to the terminal block and the analog inputs for the NI-4060 are only available on the front panel through the banana plugs.

Hope this helps.
Jack A.
Message 2 of 4
Just how do you share trigger signals between the 2503 and the 4060? I have looked at the
documentation and examples and still can not find information on the capabilites and
configuration to do this.

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Message 3 of 4
Hi Ernest,

Here is a good document on how all of this is done (it's called handshaking, and the switch and DMM send triggers to each other when each one is done doing its job):

I know it's a lot of reading, but it could be useful for your application.

There is then a good example of this in the example finder using the NI-SWITCH API:

Help >> Find Examples.. >> Hardware Input and Output >> Modular Instruments >> NI-SWITCH >> niSwitch DMM Switch

With the information above and this example, you should be well on your way to getting these two devices to work well with each other.

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Message 4 of 4