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[PXIe 6378] AI and AO synchronization

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I am using PXIe 6378 to supply a 1kHz sine wave as an analog output (for 5ms). I want to record data collected from one of the analog input channels on the same PXIe 6378 during the same 5ms. Is there a way to synchronize data collection to start before the analog output starts, and end after the analog output stops?


Thank you!



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@all_ok  a écrit :



I am using PXIe 6378 to supply a 1kHz sine wave as an analog output (for 5ms). I want to record data collected from one of the analog input channels on the same PXIe 6378 during the same 5ms. Is there a way to synchronize data collection to start before the analog output starts, and end after the analog output stops?


Thank you!



Is there a way to synchronize data collection to start before the analog output starts, and end after the analog output stops?



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Accepté par all_ok



If the sample rate is the same for acquisition and generation, with finite acquisition/generation, the easiest way is to share the sample clock. Configure the acquisition task to use the aosampleclock as sample clock, start the acquisition task first, and then start the generation.


You will get one sample acquiered for each sample generated.


Hope this helps,

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