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I2C Port Not Working on roboRio

NI --

I have an I2C compatible sensor (LIDAR) that I'm trying to use on the roboRio.  When I connect this sensor via the MXP (expansion port), the sensor works just fine.   However, using the same code (and specifying the OnBoard port rather than the XMP port), I get zero data from the on-board port.  I have not been able to run any devices successfully off the on-board roboRio port.

Is there a firmware upgrade or way to enable this port?  Is this a known bug?

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Message 1 of 6

I just tested and successfully ran the ADXL345 I2C Accelerometer example.  Are you able to run that?

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Message 2 of 6

No, I also get zero readings from the accelerometer using the example code and wpilibj I2C class specifically for that sensor.  The readings work just fine for this sensor in the MXP as well.

Is there possibly an issue with the latest firmware?

Many teams see to be having trouble with the onboard port, and one member on ChiefDelphi ran some linux tools to determine the port was not operating correctly.  See here:

Any more tips?

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Message 3 of 6

My testing was using LabVIEW - sounds like you are using Java.  You may get more help going directly to the FIRST forums.  The folks that write the Java code monitor that forum.  They may monitor Chief Delphi, but I'm not sure they answer questions there.

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Message 4 of 6


Appreciated your comments above.  Our team has been competing within FIRST for about 7 years; but, we kids programming that are pretty much all new to LabVIEW.  And, I've done a lot of technology and programming over the years; but, have no experience with LabVIEW.  I'm learning small pieces as we go; but, I've been mentoring the electrical design side, too.

With that said.  I'm having the hardest time finding ways to find and then step through all the necessaryplaces where training and code examples are.

Could you point me to such stuff.   Especially for I2C, and the RoboRIO's Accellerometer.    To start with, as you mentioned above:  ADXL345 I2C Accelerometer example     ?

Thanks much,

- Rob  (Team 1720, Phyxgears, Muncie, IN)

PS:  Our students love digging in; but, they're overwhelmed at all these new things.   And, I'm still getting acclimated, as my son and I joined in June 2014.

PS2:  I keep dreaming of a straight out training site, with every single part of the FIRST system laid out, block after block (maybe slide after slide) with links to specifically follow to step off the main path, learn the new part, then get back on the "path", and go to the next slide.  But, I'm just not finding such a thing!

For example:

- hardware components

- ports

- protocols

- labview

- example libraries/plug-ins

- roboduino (which I'm quite familiar with Ardiunios (many versions and shields)

- and more stuff, that I don't even know to bullet list here!  🙂

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Message 5 of 6

All of the LabVIEW FRC Examples can be found by opening LabVIEW and from the splash screen selecting Support->Find FRC Examples. You can also find some FRC LabVIEW Tutorials (Tutorial 7 may be relevant if you are looking at examples) from the splash screen by selecting the Tutorials tab.

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Message 6 of 6