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vision processing subvi not executable

When I open any of the vi's from '2017 Vision Example.lvproj', or the vision portions of Robot Main, I am not able to run because the execute arrow is broken. when I look to see why I see the same type of error for each. "SubVI 'WPI_CameraDirect Read from': SubVIis not executable", or "SubVI '': SubVI is not executable.", or "SubVI 'WPI_CameraSendImages To PC': SubVI is not executable."  Anything to do with vision processing doesn't work. I ran the NI License Manager for both the Vision acquisition s/w Aug 2016 and the Vision Development Module 2016 thinking the softare wasn't licensed but that didn't help. Any idea what is wrong?

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Message 1 of 5

Please see my updated post 5 below.


Did you get it figured out? It should be a licensing issue. 

If you run the NI License Manager the Vision Acqusition Software, the Vision Development, and Vision Runtime should all be are dark(ish) grean color if they are green but very pale then it needs to be activated. You can also right click it and it should say Deactivate. If they are all ok then you can try to Deactivate and then Activate again. 


Let me know if you get it working. 


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Message 2 of 5

I went to the License Manager and the software you identified all had a yellow hue to them. I right-clicked and deactivated each of them. Next I went to Reactivate the Vision acquisition Software, It asked for my email ( and password, after entering these it said it was searching to verify. But here's the thing, when it came back it told me "The following serial numbers are invalid or do not match their corresponding products. Double-click an entry to delete or correct it." The serial number given is the correct one that was printed on the jacket of the NI software that was provided to our team. I am a mentor for that team and have another LabVIEW license through my employer, but the computer I have LabVIEW FRC2017 installed on is separate from computers I use for my job. 

What can be done about this?


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Message 3 of 5

I will try a re-install using a FRC serial number.. I think I may have done my last install with my company SN. I will let you know what it does. 

For yours, if it will not accept the serial number I would uninstall and reinstall using the FRC disc or the FRC downlaod from NI's website


I will report back on what I find tomorrow.

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Message 4 of 5

I was able to reinstall all the software using the files I downloaded from the [FRC 2017] NI Software Setup Guide. When I register with the serial number from the Team kit the box in the License Manager is yellow. 

So from my previous post (and I will edit it in just a min) the boxes should be a solid Yellow not a faint / shaded color.

If you right click an entry and all it says is Deactivate you should be good. If it says Reactivate and Deactivate, check the status on the right side for that entry and make sure the Status says "Activated for this Computer" and the License File Expiration should show something like January 15, 2018. If it says something else then you may need to Reactivate that entry. 


Sorry for the confusion. I hope this helps

If it says your Serial Number is invalid then I recommend that you call NI directly.

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Message 5 of 5