01-16-2013 06:17 PM
I cannot intall LabVIEW for LEGO MINDSTORMS on my Macbook, which is running OS 10.8.2.
The installation progresses as normal, and seems to copy all the files from the CD-ROM. When it appears to finish, an error message comes up stating INSTALLATION FAILED, but does not provide any additional information.
My anti-virus software is disabled, and I have attempted the intallation 3 times.
Please help!
02-05-2013 02:12 PM
Hi Bailey,
I believe your issue may stem from installing NI-VISA (http://download.ni.com/support/softlib//visa/NI-VISA/5.1.2/mac/Readme.html) and it not being supported on OSX 10.8.x at this time. You can refer to this knowledge base (http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/C488947E59DDDE46862579A0005705D9?OpenDocument) for customizing the installation. Please make sure you uncheck VISA and GPIB drivers. Let me know if you have any other questions
Doug W