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Announcing the NI Discussion Forums Upgrade

Another bug:


This is most likely due to the agonizingly slow loading of the message editor. Is it just me, or is it actually slower than the previous one? If you click on the "Quote" button before the editor has loaded the toolbar you get to the "Unexpected Error Has Occurred" page.

0 Kudos
Message 51 of 273


@Laura F. wrote:



Hi smercurio-

I tried to reproduce this myself without any luck.  Was there anything else you did - like preview?  Were the threads in the same board or different?  Was it the same thread? I believe you are using Firefox, correct?

No, I did not do a preview. The threads were in the same board: message 1 (in this thread) and message 2. The message in this thread was the one I had started composing, and then I decided to post message 2 in the other thread, hoping to consolidate the discussion in one place. Yes, I'm using Firefox. I'll see if another message comes up and I'll try it again.


0 Kudos
Message 52 of 273

I must be the only one that misses the dashboard. Is the a way to float the 'My Bookmarks to the top?




Why do some icon appear normal while others are distorted.




What's this Community!


And why dont the icons reflect that new messages are available. ie open folder icon


I dont like this new NI Discussion Forums page, its not very helpful. You now have to scan each board of interest whether any new messages.



Ray Farmer

Ray Farmer
0 Kudos
Message 53 of 273

Perhaps there is a new and improved way to get to the same place, but I really missed the Advanced Search link that used to reside next to the search button.  Now I do a blank search and then find the advanced search.

0 Kudos
Message 54 of 273


@Laura F. wrote:

  •  Tim - Unread Discussions for Idea Exchanges should be just below the "About" section so it's the second module.  If you don't have anything unread, then it will not show up.

Any possibility of swapping the about and unread sections?


Tim Elsey
Certified LabVIEW Architect
0 Kudos
Message 55 of 273


Ok, next batch of replies:


  • Recent posts page - I submitted a case about this today.  Jeff brings up a good point about the tracker, I didn't notice the difference between that and the recent posts page.  The tracker page displays more messages than the recent posts page.  Maybe it would be best to provide a link to this page?
  • Tim - I'll check on getting the other link in the subscription email to have the format that logs you in
  • Ben - Checking on increasing the settings, although there is a difference between your tracker and your recent posts page.  See if you prefer the tracker option. Not sure what you mean about the Kudos star being clipped.  If you mean the bottom, that's the design of the icon.
  • Ravens Fan - I will check on the image insertion and report it
  • I will report IE7 slowness
  • smercurio - I've been using Firefox and it's been pretty snappy on the editor page.  I think we are about the same distance away from where the forums are hosted.  Do you see anything in the status bar saying what it's trying to load when it takes a long time?  Is anyone else experiencing this?
  • Ray F. - uploaded avatars are stretched in IE8.  It's a known issue that Lithium is working on fixing.  On the home page, the boards with unread messages show up with bold text.  I am checking on restoring the icons.
  • Darin - I agree about the advanced search


As I know more about the questions and bugs posted to this thread, I'll post an update.




0 Kudos
Message 56 of 273

Image insertion issue in IE has been reproduced and reported.




0 Kudos
Message 57 of 273

Having found the advanced search Smiley Sad, the search for my posts only seems to return a subset.  This used to be a way to find the 'true' count, but that issue seems to be fixed. 


I only post to about 4 boards and the search results seem to include posts from all of them.  I have been posting for less than one year, and the earliest post returned seems to have the correct date.

0 Kudos
Message 58 of 273

The help pages have a huge section on blogs.


Maybe I am missing something, but I don't think that feature is enabled.

0 Kudos
Message 59 of 273

@Laura F. wrote:


Ok, next batch of replies:



  • Ravens Fan - I will check on the image insertion and report it




  • Ray F. - uploaded avatars are stretched in IE8.  It's a known issue that Lithium is working on fixing.  On the home page, the boards with unread messages show up with bold text.  I am checking on restoring the icons.

I was wondering about this because I saw your comment, but had not seen any issues with the icons even though I'm using IE8 at home.  So a little experiment.  I have compatibility view turned on.  (Broken piece of paper icon next to the address bar has a bluish background) and the icons look fine.  I turned off compatibility mode (broken piece of paper has a not so blue background and why did MS do something so stupid as to make the pressed and unpressed states look the same?  It is a relatively small difference in blueness!!!!!Smiley Mad) and your icon looked stretched.

So try turning on compatibility mode.


 Good news.  I like the autosave.  While typing this, the screen refreshed and my text disappeared.  I saw the autosave link (it wasn't super obvious though), clicked it, and most of my message came back.

0 Kudos
Message 60 of 273