10-11-2017 09:32 AM
Thanks for the update. We will pass this information along for additional troubleshooting.
10-25-2017 12:43 AM
Today (7.42 local time) after entering the login credentials this happened:
10-25-2017 09:22 AM
Thanks, Wolfgang. I've passed along this info.
11-15-2017 01:04 AM
...and today, again the unsolicited page, gave this (8:02)
the second attempt worked
11-15-2017 09:40 AM
11-25-2017 01:27 AM
The page error happened four or five times this morning (8:22)
After starting a new browser session it worked
12-28-2017 12:26 AM
This morning (7:22) another page error...
01-11-2018 01:05 AM
this morning (~ 8.00 o'clock) a different page:
01-11-2018 09:28 AM
401 again this afternoon (16.20)
01-16-2018 11:15 AM