07-15-2010 01:49 PM
I suspect that this question has been asked before but why do we not see the solutions authored on the front page along with the kudos for each forum? I like the report that Laura generates that shows where you stand and it seem that it should be more automated like the tags and kudos.
07-15-2010 05:12 PM
I'm not sure if there is a solutions leaderboard that I can add to the pages. If there's not one, I believe the reason is that there can be some ambiguity over which reply gets marked as a solution which can cause tension. For example, if multiple people reply at the same time as can happen in the LabVIEW board and the answers are basically the same, who should get the point for the solution?
What are your thoughts?
07-16-2010 06:45 AM
I was just wondering since you post the stats for each month and you post the solutions authored and the kudos. It just made me wonder why we show that every month but do not show to everyone on this thread but it is not a stat that we see like the kudos tracker.
08-11-2010 04:27 PM
Well, it's certainly a good idea. I will suggest the ability to see what solutions you've authored on your user profile page to Lithium.
08-12-2010 08:55 AM
I sometimes want to post a link to previous solutions when I run across similar posts. This is getting problematic now that my post count is climbing higher. Tagging doesn't seem to be a good method either since its not consistant across users so I wouldn't be able to search "Ben's>Solutions authored" (Which I suspect would be fairly valuable).
Great Idea I hope this shows up soon!
08-18-2010 02:43 PM
You can search for the solution's you have written, in the advanced search you can set to read only posts by a particular user, and that you only want 'accepcted solutions':
Here's a link to your solutions and mine (and Ben's for extra)