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What's the differences of these template?


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Message 1 of 6

Especially how to use the last one

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Message 2 of 6

The templates with "Class", will only modify the static class attibutes and do not have any reference in or out.


The "Read Attribute Front Panel In Memory" will add a frontpanel control reference to the reference in and place as a "dummy" in the error case. This little trick prevents the frontpanel to always be in memory and also never be removed during a build. Can be useful sometimes.


The None Modifying is just a blank template without any attribute modification.

Message 3 of 6

I create write attribute template and Read Attribute Front Panel In Memory Template, but I don't find any differences between them, could you show me how to use Read Attribute Front Panel In Memory Template,thank you!

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Message 4 of 6

The Control is in the error-case.


You don't need to care about this template or use it. I have made thousands of methods and never used that template. However, at a few occasions, it may help. Mattias may have an example, but really you should just start to code and don't bother about that template for now.

Certified LabVIEW Architect
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Message 5 of 6



One example is when you are using a background demon process and if frontpanel is not in memory, it will not run. This is never a problem in development environment, but may be in a built exe, since LabVIEW build removes unused frontpanels unless you don't have a reference to any object on the frontpanel.



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Message 6 of 6