Hey Kenn,
>You are pretty close : at the end of it acquiring the data you trigger the ao0 on the 6110, and every fifth trigger you trigger ao1 on the 6110.
I have 2 seperate signal ramps on ao0 and ao1. The initial value of ao0 is its assigned minimum, and at each trigger2, it is incremented by a value "max-min/1024", whereas the ao1 signal is incremented by a value "(max-min)/(1024x5)", and then they are reset.
I am just adding the values to the previous values of signals at each trigger on both ao0 and ao1
> I could not really understand which start call are you talking about? (I think the delay may be from calling start in each loop iteration. You should only call this once.)
Is this the initiate VI you are talking about before the fetch VI? I am configuring the hardware only once, and then after that I have a while loop with initiate VI and the fetch VI, to acquire data.
>There is a time in which the scope must use to rearm it's trigger as well, but your triggers are being seen so you must be accounting for that.
I believe you are right. We either see all triggers or we see none for 2-3 data acquisition durations. Which seems to imply that it is a problem with the restart/rearm of data acquisition rather than tiggers.
I will post the VI in a bit.
Thanks a lot
Best Regards
Priyesh Jain