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require ni-scope version 2.7 or higher

I have PCI-5911 card, and I installed ni-scope 3.1.0fe version. But when I run scope soft front pannel, I got error measage - "NI-SCOPE 1.7 or higher could not be found". I worked before with lower version.

Message Edited by wendong zhang on 03-14-2007 03:29 PM

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Message 1 of 3
What version of the c:\windows\system32\niscope_32.dll do you have?  You can right click on it and get the version.
Also in the error what does it exactly say, ie what is X?
NI-SCOPE 2.7 or higher could not be found. You need to install either X or NI-SCOPE 2.7 or higher (which installs X).
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Message 2 of 3
After I installed the ni-scope version 3.3, the problem solved.
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Message 3 of 3