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Bus communication initialisation failed

Hello together,


we tried to measure position transducers with CAN communication and we discovered an issue. If the software of the end of line tester tries to initialise the communication it retruns with an error. After the error happenes we are not able to measure the next product after restarting the measurement. The only solution is when we completely turn off the equipment and wait 3-5 minutes. After that the measurement work for a while but the error occures randomly. Sometimes after the 1st product sometimes later.

I opened the NI software to check the cards/equipments but I did not find anything.

Here I found something strange. If I click onto the ports (marked with red in the attached picture) and press refresh ("Aktualisieren") and then I start the end of line tester SW the measurement works.


Do you have any suggestions what can cause the issue?


I attach the error message from the end of line tester.


Log file: 


111 |  12-19-2023; 12:39:40 | initializing BTL BUS communication...

112 |  12-19-2023; 12:39:40 | Returned error code from hardware module: BFF63001

113 |  12-19-2023; 12:39:40 | The BTL BUS find Baudrate function finished with an error! The error code is: -102

114 |  12-19-2023; 12:39:40 | Measurement aborted!!! Insert next item and press 'start'.

115 |  12-19-2023; 12:39:41 | 'SubStepPowerOn' --> power supply off.

116 |  12-19-2023; 12:39:41 | moving to zero position..


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