Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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TDS784 and NI GBIP-USB-HS Problems No Communication ?

Instruction manual does not solve the problem. This forum even more.

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Message 11 of 20
Then talk to Tek. It's their instrument and their manual that you don't seem to understand.
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Message 12 of 20






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Message 13 of 20
Until you change the scope to not be Off Bus, everything else is irrelevant. Off Bus is the same thing as disconnecting the GPIB cable and nothing from the pc side will fix your problem.
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Message 14 of 20

What is the significance of the GPIB interface, it has a length of cable?

The advanced menu sets the parameters related to the length of the cable?

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Message 15 of 20
The GPIB interface is the means to interface an instrument to a computer. The settings in MAX have absolutely no significance with your problem. I don't understand why you don't see that. The scope MUST be set to talker/listener before MAX can detect it. The manual is clear on that. If you continue to play around with the settings in MAX with the scope set to Bus Off, you are just wasting time. Good bye.
0 Kudos
Message 16 of 20


First : I was able to make a connection TEK(GPIB)-PC

To make a connection must be highlighted (active) field TALK / Listen address. Otherwise, the GPIB port works only send mode (hardcopy) and therefore it was not possible to connect. TEK non visible on the port.


Dear KNUTS you know everything perfectly.

Attached User manual see Page 3-191 to 3-194 show me the instruction description that field TALK / Listen ... it must be highlighted that the connection is active? OK ?

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Message 17 of 20
That is exactly what I was telling you to read and what to change it to. Glad you finally followed the instructions.
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Message 18 of 20

I am writing to you clearly that the instruction did not have written about it.

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Message 19 of 20
The manual was pretty clear to me but I'm a native English speaker with years and years of experience of using tek scopes. I would recommend that you post on tek's web site if you find the text in the manual confusing.
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Message 20 of 20