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USB-232 Device not found

Hello all,

Not sure what is going on, but for some reason, my computer is not registering the connection of a USB-232 device (485 for that matter).  When I plug or unplug the devices, the device manager refreshes and I get a sound, but the device never shows up in the Device Manager.  I am currently running 

  • Windows 10 version 1607
  • NI-Serial Runtime 15.0.0f0
  • NI-Serial Configuration 15.0.0f0
  • NI-VISA 15.5

Any thoughts?  I have tried restarting and whatnot to no avail.

Cheers, cirrus

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Message 1 of 6

Hi Cirrus,


When you say device manager refreshes, are you talking about the devices in NI-MAX or the Windows Device Manager? Devices not showing up in MAX may be related to driver compatibility, but if it doesn't show up in Windows Device Manager at all, there may be something wrong with the device itself.


Alex C.

Applications Engineer

National Instruments

Alex C.
Applications Engineering
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

Windows Device Manager refreshes.

And I have had issues with two different devices - usb-485 and a usb-232.  Given that it is not even showing up in the device manager, I suspect I am having a collision with something else in the system, just not sure what...

And to note - these devices have worked in the past.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6

I found a link that details some troubleshooting steps for this issue. Have you tried everything in the following link?


Alex C.

National Instruments

Applications Engineer

Alex C.
Applications Engineering
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6
(4,220 Views) let me just go ahead and say up until recently, I had no problem with these devices.

And now a quick update - I have tried multiple NI USB-232 devices to no avail.  Just plugged in some $30 usb to 232 device and the system saw it immediately.  Problem now seems to be squarely a NI problem and not a controller problem.

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Message 5 of 6

Generally devices not showing up in device manager is a driver issue. There is a chance that a serial driver of the third party usb to 232 device is interfering with NI-Serial. An easy next step would be to reinstall NI-Serial and see if this fixes the issue.


Alex C.

National Instruments

Applications Engineer

Alex C.
Applications Engineering
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 6