Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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can i use for rs232 to db25 port?

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I'd love to see the new 69 KB that was attached to this email but am running version 7.  Any chance of getting a version I can see?

In any case, am I correct to assume that the visa vi CAN read correctly from a USB port whch has a USB to rs232 adapter on it?  Does LabView do this automatically?



0 Kudos
Message 11 of 14

@nivals wrote:

I'd love to see the new 69 KB that was attached to this email but am running version 7.  Any chance of getting a version I can see?,

Attached is the VI in LabVIEW 7. WARNING: You will get an "insane object" error when loading the VI. You can still load the VI. You will need to replace the chart with a fresh one. Delete the one that's there, and place a new one on the front panel. Downconversion sometimes doesn't handle charts correctly. FYI: in the future you can post downconvert requests in the Downconvert Requests Thread.


In any case, am I correct to assume that the visa vi CAN read correctly from a USB port whch has a USB to rs232 adapter on it?  Does LabView do this automatically?

From LabVIEW's perspective it will simply see a serial port, since the drivers will be installed by the operating system, so it's handled at that level, not at the application level.

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Message 12 of 14

Knight of NI, 


Thanks for the reply and the LabView 7 version of the block diagram.  However, it was for a sine simulator, not for a vi to read the input to the USB port (via an RS232 to usb converter).  Is it possible to get that diagram?



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Message 13 of 14

Your question makes no sense. The converted VI does have a VISA Write and Read from a serial port.


LabVIEW also comes with a serial port example VIs.

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Message 14 of 14