Instrument Control (GPIB, Serial, VISA, IVI)

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need a VI to generate frequency sweep automatically

how could i realize frequency sweep in the instrument of 4434b?
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Message 21 of 24
Howdy walterxu,

Refer to your instrument's manual to identify the exact commands it requires to perform a frequency sweep. (A lot of instruments capable of performing a frequency sweep will have a set of predetermined commands to perform one.) You might also reference the Instrument Driver Network (IDNet) here to see if a driver already exists for your instrument that performs a frequency sweep.
Warm regards,

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Message 22 of 24
Hello Walter,
       It looks like there are instrument drivers available for the E4434B.  If you are using LabVIEW 8.0 and later, you should use the project-style driver.  There should be examples included with the driver that you can find either by using Example Finder OR browsing to the drivers location in instr.lib under the LabVIEW folder.


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Message 23 of 24

 I am trying to generate frequency sweep automatically for Stanford Research DS360 and also trying tanford Research SR830 for the same purpose . Any help for VI regrading this is highly appreciated.

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Message 24 of 24