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sbRIO 9607 IP address and little more problems



I just got a new sbRIO 9607 to do a project. I powered the device with a 9VDC 300mA power supply and connected to the development computer with a cross-over ethernet cable. I use LabVIEW 15.0 and tried to configure via MAX. I can detect the device but a Inconsistent IP address problem occurs.  It connects to the network with a link-local IP address as stated in the user manual.

- The system settings page does not show IP address

- Network settings page shows static IP4 address but nothing on the page is configurable as you   can see in the attachment.

  I understand that different subnets lead to error but i couldn't configure it.

- I updated all drivers but still no change

- Resetting the device makes power LED and Status LED blink simultaneously once every second. Does this mean there is not enough power? 

The power requirement according to user manual is 11.36 Watts and supply Im using right now gives 9V* 300 mA whcih is low.


Connecting with an sbRIO 9623 yields no problem with IP address and everything.


Any help is appreciable...

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Message 1 of 6



You do not happen to have MAX 16.0?

In this case there has been a bug that can be patched by installing NI System Configuration 16.0.1:


NI System Configuration 16.0.1 - National Instruments


Somtimes there are descriptions to install the NI System Configuration 16.0.1 Run-Time but this wont patch the MAX.




Staff Applications Engineer
National Instruments
Certified LabVIEW Developer (CLD), Certified LabVIEW Embedded Systems Developer (CLED)

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Message 2 of 6

Hi Christoph,


I installed it and now the version of MAX ,as you can see from picture 1, is 16.0.1 and same problem persists. Did I do it right? 


Do I have to update to LabVIEW 2016 for this?




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Message 3 of 6

Hi Goku,


yes you did do it right, but it seems the problem is somewhere else.

What IP address do you have on your Windows computer. It should be something 169.254.x.x.




Staff Applications Engineer
National Instruments
Certified LabVIEW Developer (CLD), Certified LabVIEW Embedded Systems Developer (CLED)

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Message 4 of 6

Hi Christoph,


The problem was with the IP address of Host and the power supply. I fixed both and I am able to connect to sbRIO right now. Thanks for the help


And do you know how to use the on-board USB port to acquire data in Real time? Do I have to use VISA in Real time VI ?




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Message 5 of 6

Hi Gokul,


please open a new thread so every topic discussed is documented well (since USB communication has nothing to do with IP adress configuration).

Just a hint: Try to describe your question in detail because you asked a question where nobody could possibly know what you mean exactly.

What do you want to acquire? Which type of device is connected to your USB port? Which protocol this device supportd?




Staff Applications Engineer
National Instruments
Certified LabVIEW Developer (CLD), Certified LabVIEW Embedded Systems Developer (CLED)

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