LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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Arduino Labview 2013 Mac OsX Bluetooth

I'm sorry about my english, but I've got this problem: I cannot comunicate with my Arduino1 using bluetooth.
When I try to use my simply application to test speedy of connection

screenshot.pngscreenshot 3.pngscreenshot 4.pngscreenshot 2.png

i always have errors. I try to explain what I have done
- Did I put NI arduino sketch into my arduino? Yes, sure!
- Did I install VISA software? Yes!

- Did I install NI arduino librarys? Yes!
- Did my Labview application go well with USB connection? Yes sure!
- Did I have Bluetooth in my PC, is it "ON" and did I connect with my arduino bluetooth board? Yes
- Can you comunicate with your arduino using Bluetooth board using other applications (like Arduino suite)? Yes, in fact I can dialog with bluetooth using serial monitor

So, the problem is between LABVIEW and BLUETOOTH connection. I use "bt board v1.05" (you can find documentation in Web)

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Message 1 of 5

There is some discussion on the web about this subject.  I suggest you use Google to search for "Labview Bluetooth Communication".


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Message 2 of 5

Hey Tonno,

I would first try a simple example without LIFA.

In LabVIEW create a VI that opens the serial port then in a loop sends one byte and reads one byte.

Create an arduino sketch that reads one byte then sends back another byte and make sure you can read this in LabVIEW.

Let us know how that goes or if you need more details on how to test that.

Also you mentioned using the Arduino serial monitor to communicate with the arduino via bluetooth.  What baud rate did you use when connected this way (specifically does 115200 work)?


-Sam K

LabVIEW Hacker

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Message 3 of 5

Essaye ça dans ton sous VI AutoDetec Arduino... Le problème c'est que National Instrument associe les COM serial en Instrument ASRL4:

Aussi, dans ton gestionnaire de périphérique, affiche les port cahcé et efface les si il y en a....

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Message 4 of 5


It is been some years since the post of this topic.


I would like to ask if bluetooth VIs are supported in labview running on a macbook? macOS 14.5


I am looking for the library and it is not there.

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Message 5 of 5