LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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Labview for Arduino Leonardo??

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Anyone have the driver for arduino leonardo?

Or anyone know how to change the original driver to use the arduino leonardo?

Currently I having an Arduino Leonardo and I have no idea on how to make it communicate with labview.

I can't find the Visa COM port for my Arduino board in the VISA I/O drop list.

Any ideas?

Message 1 of 23

No one answering. >.<

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 23

The following web page provides a procedure for installing the USB drivers for Leonardo on Windows.


Let me know if that doesn't work as other procedures are available.


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 23

Thank for replying but I was talking about LIFA for Arduino Leonardo. I know how to install the Leonardo driver to Windows.

I having a task to use LabView to communicate with Arduino Leonardo. And I found the lastest version of LIFA 30August2012 only have UNO,Dimuelanove and Mega 2560.

Anyone have the idea on how to communicate LabView with Leonardo?

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Message 4 of 23

As of this date you can not use LIFA with Leonardo.  The biggest hang up is AdaFruit's Afmotor library.  To improve performance the Afmotor library directly accesses registers in the CPU.  However, the configuration of the registers on the Leonardo are different than on the Uno.  There is no estimated date as to when AdaFruit will upgrade the Afmotor library. 

This topic was also discused in the thread "Leonardo Interfacing with Labview" and the starting date for the thread was June 28, 2012.

You faked me out when you asked for the driver for Leonardo.


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Message 5 of 23

Sorry, my bad. I'm not used to this kind of glossary yet. Thank for the help.

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Message 6 of 23


are there any news to use LIFA with the Leonardo?

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Message 7 of 23

The big hang up is the AFMotor library does not work with Leonardo.  According to this web page

<>  "There is no ETA or guarantee we will be able to adapt the Motor Shield to leonardo.".


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Message 8 of 23

Why is support for the Leonardo board dependent upon any single library?

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Message 9 of 23

I don't have a Leonardo, but if what hrh1818 said is correct it sounds like we should be able to remove the motor driver code from LIFA and everything will work?  Can someone with a leonardo try this?

-Sam K

LIFA Developer

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Message 10 of 23