LabVIEW Web UI Builder and Data Dashboard

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problems creating a web service that uses the report generation toolkit



       Im trying to develop a web service using labview 2013.

I create a html form that is correctly communicating with my labview method and part of the web service functionality is to create a report from the data obtained in the html form published.


I realized that using the report generation toolkit inside of the web service method the server cannot generate a report. ( If I run the same Vi before publishing the web service it works on the server but it doesnt work after I deploy it)


I thought that maybe Im unable to use the report generation toolkit VIs inside of the web service because Im not incluiding the (dynamic VIs labview uses when they run), I tried to add the excel dynamic library to the proyect but with no success.


I also tried to use VI SERVER to call a VI that generates the report using the report generation toolkit  in the method that runs when the web service is call but  it doesnt work either.


How can I deploy a web service able to use  the report generation toolkit ?, how can I deploy a web service able to use VI server ?



Any help is really appreciated.


Erwin Franz 


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 3

The issue you are running into is actually a limitation intended by Microsoft.  They don't want windows services to be able to call into the ActiveX interface for Microsoft Office for security reasons.  If you are deploying your web service to the NI Application Web Server on Windows you will run into this problem since the web server is a Windows Service.


While I haven't tested this, you may be able to work around this by packaging your Web service with a LabVIEW EXE rather than deploying to the NI Application Web server. 

NI App Software R&D
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Message 2 of 3

Thanks for the answer and sorry for my late response, Mark.


I could automate the service using  ActiveX  calls instead of the high-level functions of the Report Generation Toolkit. So, I really don't know if it's a Microsoft restriction.


I started working on this after I used the "write to spreadsheet" and my web service worked.


I would really appreciate if you have more information about this (that would save a lot of time next time).



Kind regards,



Erwin Franz


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Message 3 of 3