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「 出力電圧が基準電圧を下回るまでVIを実行したままにする」、「 取得した出力電圧データを一回ごとに新しいファイルを作成し書き込んで保存する」方法について


下図の出力電圧計測プログラムにおいて、1.「 出力電圧が基準電圧を下回るまでVIを実行したままにする」という機能と、何回分も出力電圧を記録するために、2.「 取得した出力電圧データを一回ごとに新しいファイルを作成し書き込んで保存する」という機能を新たに追加する方法についてご教授願いたいと思っております。したいのですが、自分ではなかなか上手くできません。




LabVIEW2012 is used.

In the output voltage measurement programme shown in the diagram below, we would like to know how to add two new functions: 1. "Keep VI running until the output voltage falls below the reference voltage" and 2. "Create a new file for each acquired output voltage data, write and save it".
I have only been using LabVIEW for about one month and do not have a lot of knowledge, so I am having a hard time.

Thank you in advance for your help.

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Message 1 of 2

Hi Sakuya


I broke down your code in this image, i copied your code inside an structure called WHILE Loop. 


To do what you want, you need to place your code inside the loop. 

OUTSIDE the loop you should:
1. Place a file dialog function - it will allow the user to select a new file so the program can save the data. It will ask a file name every time the program runs. 

2. Place all the setup functions for data acquisition, usually data acquisition only needs to setup functions one time before starting acquire the data. 


1 place the function to acquire the data

2. place the write to spreadsheet function and the plot functions. THE Write to spreadsheet shall have the APPEND function set to TRUE, so it will add the new data to the file, instead of asking for new file everytime. 

3. THere should be a function to compare the output voltage to the reference. IF the voltage is equal of higher than the reference, the while should stop. 

4. the loop should also stop if the user presse a stop button from the front panel. 


Close all the driver call function




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