06-28-2011 09:35 AM
hello everybody,
attached you will find a piece of code in labview 8.6. i am trying to plot a 2d plot in the 3d space. as you can see i have connected the z-matrix and the x-aray connectors to 3d surface.vi. i connected the x-array input because i thought i would be delivering the x values the correspond to the z-values and thus have this x-axis range shown in the plot. but that is not the case. in other words: i don't know how to make my x-values shown in the 3d plot.
does anybody have an idea if there is a possibility to solve this issue?
Solved! Go to Solution.
06-28-2011 09:43 AM
THis thread has an example with a lot of words to explain what how why.
It may be worth you taking a look at that thread.
The code is included.
06-30-2011 01:04 PM
i do have one more on-top-question. i need to work with a reference of the 3d surface activex container but if i do that i can not access the cwgaph3d objects in the property node the reference is connected to. how can i work around this problem?
06-30-2011 01:25 PM
Simply - for setting the container properties use the ActiveXContainer reference (as I see it useful only for seting dimensions or position). For setting the graph properties use the CWGraph3D reference. You have to work with both of them.
06-30-2011 01:37 PM
thanks for the quick reply.
i am using labview 8.6. if i create a reference of the 3d surface i get a activex reference (seen in the vi i attached). i would have thought that i should get a cwgraph3d reference. how do i get a cwgraph3d refeence ? what am i missing here?
06-30-2011 01:45 PM
You already have the reference to the CWGraph3D on the block diagram - it is what is wired to the property node with the 'Plots' property (the graph itself). To create a Reference control for SubVIs just for example right click on the Reference output of the mentioned property node and create control.
The ActiveX controls have a little bit different concept than the rest of controls in LV.
06-30-2011 09:40 PM
i want to do the following:
the vi i attached is a subvi of a vi containing 4 3d plots. i cannot organize the 4 plots in an array or a cluster because as activex containers that's not possible. that's why i was thinking about bundling the references of the plots in an array and in this way pass them over to the subvi. my problem is that once i do that i no more can access the properties shown in the attached vi, or is there a way i can reach the cwgraph3d poperties throught the activex property node?
i really appreciate your feedback !
07-01-2011 01:48 AM
Check the attached Vis