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8.6.1 install error "0x010e2754" memory could not be "read"

mishkin wrote:

Hey Ben,


This MAX error might well be the root cause of the Labview installation error. Have you noticed this error in MAX before you attempted to install Labview?  Do you get this error in MAX only when you try to expand the Software tab?...


Also, can you export your system configuration from MAX (File > Export) into an *.nce file and post it?




When attempting the file export I got that error.


No atempts to install software happened.


Evntually it timed out and I tried the export but it said it had no items to export.


There where no device to delete.


Looks i am back to try to install from download. Other ideas?



Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
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Message 11 of 29

Hey Ben,


Sorry you're still having trouble. I imagine your MAX error is directly related to the Labview install error, since Labview checks for previously installed componenets during installation, much like expanding the MAX Software tab. I presume  you've looked over the knowledgebase talking about the database connectivity error in MAX - firewall, running service, enet devices. If you have some free time, I recommend performing steps in this knowledgebase that describe how to recover from a database corruption in MAX.

Installing from a download might be our last chance to install  8.6 without first removing the already installed NI software. If you are unable to do this, we can try removing NI software and going with a clean installation. 

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Message 12 of 29

If time permits this week-end I'll go thru the KB.


Re: un-installing


Do you know how long it takes to install all of the major versions when the installs run right?


I could be at it for days!


IS there a way to uninstall MAX but keep LV intact if the KB does not help?



Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
Message 13 of 29

Could you take a look at this thread. (Thank you mathan!)


It looks like the same error but they wiped out everything in the registry to get it to work.


Can we concider that users experience as an experiment to ty and get my install to work without having to blow away all of the pervious installs?


Two people with the same problem this close in time indicates that others are going to run into this issue!



Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
Message 14 of 29




Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
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Message 15 of 29

Hi Ben,


Have you tried to go through the steps to recover from MAX database corruption I sent in the last post? I was keeping my eye on the other thread also, and saw that wiping all NI software and the registry keys worked as a solution. To tell you the truth, that is probably be the quickest way to get you up and going with 8.6.1, just because it is a known working solution and is straightforward to implement. I completely understand that doing this might be a royal pain.. and will take some time, but consider the alternative - researching this problem and determining the exact root cause might take days, or even weeks, and still may not necessarily yield a solution that doesn't involve removal of NI software. However, I have already been escalating this issue through other channels, besides filing the CAR 152152 to R&D (partially why I'm taking so long to reply). I'll be happy to continue researching this for you, as long as you are prepared to wait for the answers. So, if your goal is to get up and running sooner rather than later, I recommend following the already known solution. Are you at all familiar with MSI Blast? If you want to avoid that as much as possible and are prepared to wait, we might be able to provide you with an answer. 

I would also try the MAX database corruption repair - it might be a longshot, but it's something to try in the meantime. You can find the KB here

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Message 16 of 29

No I did not try the repair the MAX thing since the other thread said the issue was in the registry and as you wrote it is a "long shot" particularly since the other poster did not do that but used a sledge hammer on the registry.


What I'd like to accomplish is two things;


1) Get LV 8.6 onto my machine.

2) Provide NI Support /R&D enough info that the installer gets fixed.


Since this looks like it is a NI software does not like NI software issue, I am willing to work with you.


Hell, send me your shipping info and I'll send you my laptop!


I don't know how I can be more accomdating than that.


Does Kennon know about this issue?





Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
Message 17 of 29



I have asked Misha to get an installation log file from you so we can look for additional information regarding the error. Thank you for your offer to help us get to the root problem.




Message 18 of 29



Can you post the installation log file you get by doing the following: 

1. Run: Setup.exe /log c:\logfile.txt
2. When the installer gets to the error, click No to quit the installer without continuing.


Thanks for your patience, and we really appreciate  your willingness to help. 

Message 19 of 29



Instead of posting the log on the forum, can you please FTP it to us at ? 

Let me know if you have any trouble with it. 

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Message 20 of 29