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Application Builder Broken VIs error...

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I'm working on a existing collection of VI that I need to reorganize and compile into a single application.

Starting from the main shell vi I tried to create the application but I'm experiencing some problems.

When I try to Build the application I got this error:


Cannot complete build because following VI loaded broken:
Open the VI in LabVIEW and fix the listed errors. If the VI loads as expected but errors are still
detected during the build, contact National Instruments technical support for assistance.
Broken VIs:
VI failed to compile.

Click the link below to visit the Application Builder support page. Use the following information as a reference:

Error 1003 occurred at ->

Possible reason(s):

LabVIEW: The VI is not executable. This error may occur because the VI is either broken or contains a subVI that

LabVIEW cannot locate. Select File>>Open to open the VI and verify that you can run it.


I'm not a LabView expert but it sounds that should have some missing references or errors.

But If I check subVIs all files are available.


What else I can do to identify the problem?


Best regards,

 Michele Santucci

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Accepted by topic author michele.santucci

Two solutions:

  1. Bring a LabVIEW Expert to your problem.  [Hire a consultant].
  2. Bring your Problem to a bunch of LabVIEW Experts.  [Attach a zipped version of your entire LabVIEW Project, including the .lvproj file and any/all libraries or external code it calls].

Bob Schor

Message 2 of 3

It turned out that the problem was probably a corrupt VI.

Anyway I got the hint. Unluckly in this case was not possibile to attach the whole project since it spreads across several megabytes of VIs (and I'm not really sure about how many of those where really neeeded) so it would result in a BIG loss of time.

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