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Best 3D visualization

Go to solution

Hi Experts!


I'm wondering about a following.


I would like to display 3D surface in a real time application. When I took a tour in LV examples,I saw many examples. I have tried CWGraph3D. It is a very cool control, easy to use and configure. But, I think it is not the best choice for displaying 3D point cloud.


I'm looking for some documentation about all available 3D display controls, methods. Where I can compare the available tools to choose the right one to display fast and lot of points.


If u have any experieces about 3D, pease share with me!


Thank you!



+++ In God we believe, in Trance we Trust +++
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Message 1 of 12


you may want to search on the forum for 3d Graph and "Ben", .. he explained everything and many times.


Message 2 of 12
Accepted by D60

@Durnek wrote:


If u have any experieces about 3D, pease share with me!


Thank you! 

Here is an index with previews.


Gruntboy offers an exaple in the 3d-picture version here.


Disco Death Star.JPG


I have started to delve into the new version myself and I get very good response with large data sets (10,000 objects in the image) that looks like this.




THe new 3d picture version is implemented using LVOOP so knowlege of OOP will help geting started with it.


Sam Rogers posted stuff here.


If you are not familiar with LVOOP or OOP then you may like the ComponentWorks version which has been very stable and can be inserted in a PowerPoint presentation or any other document that supports activeX.


In an attempt to duplicate this image.



I posted code images using the CW 3d graph in this thread.





and in that same thread we explore ways to display bubbles in fluid flow in various ways.





Don Roth showed us some impressive stuff in this thread.




THis thread has a step by step tutorial on worse case display with code.




THe 3d car sample has code that lets you get a "feel" for working in 3d



I hope that gets you satarted.





Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
Message 3 of 12

Thanks man!

You are great!


I've been using goop over 4 years! 🙂

Thanks again!!!

+++ In God we believe, in Trance we Trust +++
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 12

Have you checked out  It is so awesome and open source.  Just saw it at DefCon.

Message 5 of 12
+++ In God we believe, in Trance we Trust +++
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 12



I'm new to 3D graphics on LabVIEW. I'm looking at developing 3D motion data using few sensors. I have options of developing using LabVIEW or using Matlab. Considering the time required to learn (new to both) and support for animation (creating custom time scale motion) and packaging could you please suggest LabVIEW or Matlab?




0 Kudos
Message 7 of 12

Hi Tams,

LabVIEW is graphical programming environment, so if you have limited or no programming experience, it might be better for you. We provide lots of learning materials. "Introduction to NI LabVIEW" [ ])

It also natively connects to a variety of measurement devices, so acquisition of data from your sensors wouldn't be problem ( ).

You should have a look at our case studies website:


You might find something interesting for your application 🙂



Best regards,

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 12

Hello Mateusz,


Thank you for your reply.

My question was specific to LabVIEW 3D graphics programming capabilities when compared with Matlab. Thank you for your time.


Best Regards,

Tameem Ahmed Khan

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 12

In this thread Thoric posted code to pull out a surface from multiple slices





Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
0 Kudos
Message 10 of 12