10-09-2009 01:13 PM
there seems to be a small bug in the driver for the Keithley 24xx. I'm not sure how to find out whom to mail this too (is there a contact for bug-reports listed somewhere?), so I 'm posting it here.
The bug is in Keithley 24xx.lvlib: Configure Settling Delay.vi
The string "%.;Sour:Del\s%g;" should read "%.;:Sour:Del\s%g;" that is with an extra ":" after the first ";".
That's it already 😉
10-12-2009 11:57 AM
Thanks for letting me know, I’m going to see if I can get a hold of this instrument and reproduce it. What instrument are you using and what behavior do you see/expect to see?
10-12-2009 06:19 PM
I'm using a Keithley 2400. The expected behaviour of that VI is to set the settling time between measurements. I get an error from the instrument (113). Adding the ":" fixes this problem and as far as I know the protocoll also wants a ":" over there...
10-13-2009 02:49 PM
Thanks for letting me know the device you are using; unfortunately there is not an instrument available to me. I’ll check with R&D and see if there is an instrument there that I could test with. Can you post a screen shot or text of the error 113 that you get back from the instrument?
10-13-2009 03:20 PM
I recently worked on a program to use the Keithley 2400 and had problems with the driver also.
From the manual:
Eliminating common SCPI errors
There are three SCPI errors that occur more often than any others:
• -113, “Undefined header”
• -410, “Query INTERRUPTED”
• -420, “Query UNTERMINATED”
The following paragraphs discuss the most likely causes for these errors and methods for
avoiding them.
-113, “Undefined header”
This error indicates that the command you sent to the instrument did not contain a recognizable
command name. The most likely causes for this error are:
• Missing space between the command and its parameter. There must be one or more
spaces (blanks) between the command and its parameter. For example:
:SENS:VOLT:DC:RANGl00 Incorrect (no space between command and
:SENS:VOLT:DC:RANG 100 Correct
• Improper short or long form. Check the command list in Section 18 of this manual.
• Blanks (spaces) within the command name. For example:
:SYST :ERR? Incorrect (space between :SYST and :ERR?)
:SYST:ERR? Correct
I saw all three of those errors repeatedly. Eventually I gave up and started to write a new driver just using the SCPI commands and VISA. Little syntax errors seemed to be a part of the problem. Unfortunately the project was cancelled just before I got things working, so I do not have any improved drivers to contribute.
10-13-2009 05:30 PM
Sorry, no time to upload a screenshot. The bug seems to be a typo according to the SCPI commands in the Keithley manual (they all start with a ":"). You can just compare that command in the driver with the one stated in the manual "Series 2400 Source Meter Quick Start Guide" which I believe is available for download from Keithley. BTW: is there a bug-tracker for each driver or a Changelog, VC-repository or something else? An email of a contact person for bugs would be great, too...
10-14-2009 02:56 PM
Thanks for the information. I’ll pass this information along to R&D who will look more closely at this instrument driver and make changes accordingly. I don’t know of an external changelog or VC repository that is available outside of R&D. If you think you have found a bug, in the future you go to ni.com/ask and create a service request in order to get into contact with an engineer.