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Can't create a Hex string to RS232

Hello everyone,
I have to command a test stand in RS232 with a rotate button but I can't manage. I try to concatenate this Hex string 00F2 0001 0091 0000 00 followed by a string (?) which came from the rotate button but there's a trouble with the type or the format.
Could you help me doing this?
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Message 1 of 4
The 'FIrst string' does not contain ASCII, but the ASCII codes for the data inside (right click on the border and select Hex Display), the 'Final string' has the same settings. The speed string is a normal ASCII string. Now the two strings can be concatenated but what you see is not what you get. I'm not sure what you should use but I think you should make sure what data the device needs!

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Message 2 of 4
as I can see the problem is only with displaying the data. If you just need to have it properly dispalyed, please try the attached vi. If it is not what you meant feel free to ask me: xbpilc @ woodward .  com
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Message 3 of 4
Thank you Ton, thank you decyL,

That's not exactly what I needed but I finally have the solution. I've posted the VI if someday someone needs it.

Message Edited by Tsaii on 09-18-2006 02:30 PM

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Message 4 of 4