07-01-2024 08:50 AM
Hi everyone,
I want to run a labview program without opening it on crio. The program function is: create dummy CAN frames which is set up from xnet database to create CAN signal. When I ran it on labview, I can see the CAN data in bus monitor (You can see the attachment picture), it worked. But when I build the Vi as startup application (refer to this:https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA03q000000YIMcCAO&l=en-VN) , and it did not worked (there were not data on bus monitor). I would like to run this program as startup. How can I fix it?
07-01-2024 08:58 AM
Hi johny,
@johnydang wrote:
The program function is: create dummy CAN frames which is set up from xnet database to create CAN signal.
When I ran it on labview, I can see the CAN data in bus monitor
But when I build the Vi as startup application and it did not worked (there were not data on bus monitor).
07-01-2024 10:25 AM
Hi GerdW
- Why don't you attach your VI and project? How should we debug your issue with an image of the frontpanel of one VI?
Sorry, it is quite confidential so it is hard to share the project. Below is the image of the VI. My point is that it work normally when running labview. It didn't work with start up mode. I guess that I miss some step of setting. But I can't find any related document about this
- Can the startup exe on your cRIO access the XNet database file? You know the cRIO is a computer on its own with NO ACCESS to the harddrive of your Windows computer?
I'm not sure. I already followed this: https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA03q000000YIUgCAO&l=en-VN
07-01-2024 10:23 PM
You can replace the Simple Error Handler VI with Error Out indicators. Then use Remotely Debugging Executables in LabVIEW to debug if there is any error occurred and stop the VI.
07-02-2024 02:38 PM
Have you setup the propper default values for your controls on the vi before building the vi to a rtexe ?
How do you plan to interact with the controls on the vi when it is a rtexe ?
I seem to be missing some information, what hardware do you have ? The cRIO model and the xnet card in the RIO.
07-03-2024 01:21 AM - edited 07-03-2024 01:22 AM
Hi dkfire and ZYOng, thank you for your reponses
I'm using CRIO 9047 and NI-9860. I already make default value for the controls.
For the remote debugging, when the program start up. I see that upper block did not run, only the lower block ran (please refer to the image)
07-03-2024 07:31 AM
Good to see that you can observe the abnormality of the upper loop. What is the error code?
07-04-2024 02:19 AM
Hi ZyOng,
Thank for your response. It din't not show error. It say the block is not excuted. When I change to use Frame Output Stream instead of Frame Output Single Point, the upper block can run. I still don't know why
07-04-2024 07:14 PM
Can you provide the screenshot on "the block is not executed"?