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Cannot set application font after migrating from LV2009 to LV2015 on Linux



for some reason I cannot change labels to "Application Font" after migrating from LV2009 to LV2015, the font will always switch back to
"System Font". This wouldn't be too bad as I have the same settings for Application, Dialog and System Font. But I can't change the size of the fonts using the labview .conf file- neither when I run the vi in the Labview environment (that accepts the changes), nor when I change the .conf file of the executable and run the excutable afterwards.

Very strange is that I have one text label that is set to system font and accepts the changes. Other labels are set to application font but don't accept the changes. If I mark them and set them to application font they switch immediately to system font.

With LV2009 I had no problems when staying with application, dialog or system font and changing the appFont property etc. within the .conf file. It also works for a program migrated from LV8.0 to LV 2015.

Does anybody have an idea how to handle that? I did a mass compile first and then rebuilt the application.



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Message 1 of 5



Do you observe the same behaviour when you create a new VI in LabVIEW 2015?

Or only in existing VI's that you ported from the older LabVIEW Version?


Did you try changing the font directly in the LabVIEW options? (Environment -> Fonts)

Which font is set as application font?





Corinne Doppmann
Application Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5

Hi Corinne,


yesterday it seemed to be only with the converted vi's, I just double checked it and now it also occurs in new vi's. I checked the font settings in Tools/Options/Environment. The checkmark "Use default font" is unchecked for application, dialog and system font- probably as I added the following lines to the labview.conf file (I did this without problems with the other Labview versions before to have the same appearance on different computers):

appFont="0" 8

dialogFont="0" 8

systemFont="0" 8


I also checked the settings in the the font dialog in Tools/Options/Environment for all three fonts. Application font is set to application font, but system and dialog font are for some reason set to application font as well. So I changed that so that application font is set to application font, system font to system font and dialog font to dialog font. The strange thing: now everything sticks to dialog font instead to system font.


Did I eventually mess up the configuration file with the settings above?


Thanks for your help,


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Message 3 of 5

Hi Clemens


It does sound as if your conf File is bugging.

I am not very familiar with the Linux version of LabVIEW.

But in Windows you can remove the ini file and LabVIEW will create a new one with default settings, the next time it starts.

Try doing that in Linux (keep a backup of the conf File though) and then cange the fonts in Options/Environment....

Does it then behave correctly?



Corinne Doppmann
Application Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

Hi Corinne,


my changes to the config file weren't the problem: It was another Labview instance running in the background, as soon as I shut that down, everything worked as expected. To me this looks very strange, but I think I got to live with that.


Thanks for your help,


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