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Collecting data from advantech-usb4704 with two different apps at the same time

I wonder if I can access to Advantech-4704 with two different applications at the same time?
I use this block in my vis.


I have enough ports, but inputs are needed in completely different applications. Do I have to close one of them or can they run simultaneously?



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Message 1 of 3

I'm not familiar with that specific Advantech block, but usually you cannot access the same device from multiple applications simultaneously. Did you try it out? You'll probably get an error on the error out terminal if it doesn't work.

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Message 2 of 3

Dear gtu,

as nathand said, usually it is not supported to access the same physical resource simultaneously from multiple programs. In case of DAQmx for instance, you will get an error message which says that the resource is already reserved. I suppose the same would happen with your driver, however it might be worth a try.

One workaround could be however if you revise your applications and merge the codes if it is possible so that no concurent resource allocation takes place.

Best Regards,

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Message 3 of 3