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DAQmx channel cannot browse (target disconnected)

I have a cRIO-9053 with a NI-9213 module, connected directly with USB to my PC.  For now, I am just trying to get a simple temperature graphing project set up.

I have NI LabVIEW 2023 Q3 (64-bit) and relevant packages downloaded on my PC.  I configured the cRIO, downloading the drivers, and it appears in MAX as "Connected - Running".  My module is configured in program mode "Real-Time (NI-DAQmx)".

I create a blank project.  I right click on Project > New > Targets and Devices.  My cRIO is detected, I add it, it joins the project tree, and the module appears under NI-cRIO-9053-XXXX > Chassis (cRIO-9053) > Real-Time Resources > Mod1 (Slot 1, NI 9213, Real-Time [NI-DAQmx]).


I right click onNI-cRIO-9053-XXXX > New > VI.  It joins the project tree.  In the block diagram panel I right click > Measurement I/O > NI DAQmx > DAQmx Create Virtual I then populate the panel with this block. 


When I create a constant attached to 'physical channels', I am expecting to be able to click on the constant dropdown and browse to my channel, but instead I am just met with "(target disconnected)". The resources I have found have not addressed this problem.  How can I troubleshoot this?  

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Message 1 of 4

Is your cRIO-9053 connected? Is the green LED beside the cRIO icon on?

Applications Engineer | TME Systems
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Message 2 of 4

The 'power' green LED is on.  In MAX it shows as connected with the green bar connector.  In LabVIEW project explorer it appears with a green circle next to the cRIO icon.

I've reconfigured my modules into FPGA mode and I am now doing my coding in FPGA mode, following those tutorials now..... but this is so convoluted for a simple data acquisition, so if anyone knows a fix for the DAQmx mode problems I am seeing I would appreciate it.

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Message 3 of 4

I had exactly the same problem with cRIO-9053 and NI-9209. The LED symbol was off. I right-clicked and selected 'Deploy', then the LED symbol changed to be on, and the physical channels became available in the VI.

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Message 4 of 4