01-03-2006 04:29 PM
01-03-2006 05:39 PM
01-04-2006 11:40 AM
01-04-2006 02:01 PM
Hi Paul,
It looks like all of the devices are detected in MAX, but your VI references a Traditional DAQ Virtual Channel called DIGITAL I/O. You will have to either create a new Virtual Channel or save your old Traditional DAQ configuration and set it as the active configuration in your new system, which is outlined in the following KB: http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/websearch/0E0D3D7C4AA8903886256B29000C9D5A?OpenDocument. Hopefully that will get you going again.
01-04-2006 04:08 PM
01-04-2006 06:13 PM - edited 01-04-2006 06:13 PM
Message Edited by Pablop on 01-04-2006 04:15 PM
01-05-2006 05:24 PM
Great! I'm glad to hear that you choose to use the DAQmx driver. The DAQmx driver is much more robust, and in general easier to use. The following is an article that explains the benefits of DAQmx: http://zone.ni.com/devzone/conceptd.nsf/webmain/ee47b125bb9e053686256fbc0014c384.
And the "/" character is not allowed when creating DAQmx virtual channels but is was allowed in Traditional DAQ channels.
Good luck with the rest of your application!
01-05-2006 06:17 PM