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DIO Port Config Error

I'm using LV7.1 and changing out an older PXI test box with a newer PXI box. All devices are the in the same slot and numbered the same, and the program only has one remaing error, see attached JPEG.

I'm sure it has something to do with MAX configuration, but I can't find out what it is.

I've also attached the VI that is generating the errors.

Any help would be greatly apreciated.

Paul Johnson
Renco Encoders, Inc
Goleta, CA
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Message 1 of 8
Additionally, both boxes have MAX, but I do note some differences in configuration that I can't explain (or change?)

See attached jpeg's

1) The MAX on the new box lists the devices under traditional NI-DAQ as well as the under the PXI Chassi, while the old PXI box does not include any Traditional NI-DAQ listings

2) I renamed the DIO card Dev1 in accordance with MAX from the old box, but I still get the same error

3) Even though the device numbers are matched between the two systems (the PXI-6711 is device 4 on both boxes), there appears to be some difference in slot path numbers, I'm not sure if this makes a difference.

Help!  Smiley Surprised
Paul Johnson
Renco Encoders, Inc
Goleta, CA
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Message 2 of 8
...and the card passes self tests in both boxes, just in case anybody was curious.
Paul Johnson
Renco Encoders, Inc
Goleta, CA
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 8

Hi Paul,

It looks like all of the devices are detected in MAX, but your VI references a Traditional DAQ Virtual Channel called DIGITAL I/O.  You will have to either create a new Virtual Channel or save your old Traditional DAQ configuration and set it as the active configuration in your new system, which is outlined in the following KB:  Hopefully that will get you going again.



Micaela N
National Instruments
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Message 4 of 8
Thanks Micaela,

I hate to ask such a newbie question, but it might be easier to just create a virtual channel for the new box called Digital I/O, and I'm not sure of the procedure. Any place you can point me to?
Paul Johnson
Renco Encoders, Inc
Goleta, CA
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Message 5 of 8
Never mind, I just went with a DAQmx version of the DIO VI wherein it was straight forward to create a new Virtual Channel. Strange though,  that the old virtual channel had a name including the invalid symbol "/".  I can't recreate that. Maybe it was allowed in earlier DAQmx versions?

Thanks again.

Message Edited by Pablop on 01-04-2006 04:15 PM

Paul Johnson
Renco Encoders, Inc
Goleta, CA
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 8


Great!  I'm glad to hear that you choose to use the DAQmx driver.  The DAQmx driver is much more robust, and in general easier to use.  The following is an article that explains the benefits of DAQmx:

And the "/" character is not allowed when creating DAQmx virtual channels but is was allowed in Traditional DAQ channels. 

Good luck with the rest of your application!

Micaela N
National Instruments
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Message 7 of 8
DAQmx looks great, and I wouldn't mind taking more advantage of it, but unfortunately 4 of the 5 cards in my system appear not to have DAQmx support. I've got a 3 scope cards (PXI-5102) and 1 DMM (PXI-4060).

Of course I haven't loaded LV 8 yet, I'm kind of waiting for the dust to settle on that one. Do you know if there are any plans to put the scope cards into DAQmx?
Paul Johnson
Renco Encoders, Inc
Goleta, CA
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Message 8 of 8