05-23-2018 06:33 AM
Dear All,
I dont know if it is a labview problem or my fail.
I am trying to change the range in a scrollbar but i am having problem. "The data type is disabled".
Please, some one could help me on this issue?
05-23-2018 06:44 AM
@Fergama wrote:
[...]the range in a scrollbar [...]
What exactly is this? Your screenshot indicates that you refer to the height of the scrollbar...
05-23-2018 10:24 AM
Norbert, thank you for the reply.
Sorry, i've posted a wrong image...
Here is the correct...
Thanks a lot
05-23-2018 10:45 AM
What exactly should the (data) type of a SCROLLBAR be? You know these are used to scroll the page, not to display measurement values.
Is it possible that you mix the scrollbar with a TANK, PROGRESS BAR or SLIDER indicator?
Addendum: I can see where your confusion might come from: The scrollbars are placed in the NUMERIC palette, which is indeed a weird configuration. Discussible if this should be changed....
05-23-2018 11:45 AM
Oh...Its true... I guess it was my mistake
You are correct. I wold like to put this scrollbar as a progress numeric indicator.
I Solved the problem to another way.
Thank so much, Norbert_B
05-23-2018 12:41 PM
The Data Type isn't really disabled. You can change it by clicking on the icon on the upper left. The lower part is unavailable because it's only applicable to Fixed Point (and you can't set a scrollbar to Fixed Point).
Unfortunately the Properties dialog does not give you access to all properties. In this case, the properties you want are "Doc Max" and "Doc Min".
You can place the attached hazardous file in your LabVIEW 2017\project folder to access all properties of objects
05-23-2018 02:05 PM
Thank you for reply and the tips.
I´ll follow the advises...
Best Regards