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Desktop Execution Trace (LV2012) hides VIs ?



I'm facing some random behaviour with DET (my understanding of DET might be random as well :-).


When tracing a projet made of VIs and sub-VIs, some of our top VIs

are not listed in the trace while their sub-VIs are.Typically, during the first run

of the project, the VI will be listed. But not for the subsequent executions.


Closing/restarting DET may also make the "hidden VIs" re-appear in the trace

the next run.

All in all, there is some relation with caching VIs in memory but I'm not able to 


get a clear view on this. On the other hand, I'm pretty sure it is not a filtering

issue, this has been checked and double-checked.


I'm using LabView 2012.


Thanks for the help,



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I have seen some undesirable behavior with DETT 2012 when dynamically launching VIs. Restarting DETT usually resolved the issue for a little while.

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After upgrading to LV2013 the issue is - apparently - fixed.




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