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Error -12 when building installer

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OS: Win7 

LabVIEW: 2012 SP1



I am having issues with the application builder while trying to build an installer.


The installler has the following "Aditional Installers" selected:

LabVIEW Runtime Engine

NU USI 2.0.1

NI DAQmx Core Runtime 9.8

NI DAQmx MAX Configuration 9.8

NI VISA Runtime


If I remove the "NI DAQmx Core Runtime 9.8" & "NI DAQmx MAX Configuration 9.8" then the installer builds without error.  How can I get it to succesfully build with these selected?

I have upgrated the DAQmx from 9.5.5 to 9.8 and performed a mass compile but no luck.


Visit the Request Support page at to learn more about resolving this problem. Use the following information as a reference: >> >> >> >> >>

Loading product deployment information
Adding files to installer
Copying files...
Scanning files...
Updating files...
Build complete successfully.
Done adding files
Preparing to build deployment
Copying products from distributions
Copying distribution 'SiriusXM Mad Max' from: C:\Users\bbanacki\AppData\Local\Temp\7ZipSfx.000\Mad Max Installer\ to: C:\ProgramData\National Instruments\MDF\ProductCache\

*** Error: Windows SDK function returned an error. (Error code -12)
The system cannot find the path specified.

*** Error Details:
Error in MDF API function: _MDFDistCopyList_CopyItem
Windows function FindFirstFile returned an error. Error code: 3
*** End Error Report

Done building deployment

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Message 1 of 7

I read this article before my post.  It is only valid if any of the drivers selected in the "additional installers" are listed in the below table.  I do not have any of these drivers checked.  



NI-DCPower 1.6.1
NI-DMM 3.0.5
NI-FGEN 2.8.1
NI-HSDIO 1.7.5, 1.8.1*
NI-RFSA 2.4.5
NI-RFSG 1.6.2
NI-RFSG 1.6.3
NI-SCOPE 3.8.5
NI-SCOPE 3.8.7


I ave tried the following:


1.) Update DAQmx drivers from v9.5.5 to v9.8

4.) Create Installer - Fail

1.) Uninstall the DAQmx drivers

2.) Create installer - Success (Note that the checkbox for DAQmx is now gone so the installer does not contain the appropriate DAQmx drivers)

3.) Reinstall DAQmx drivers (V9.8) 

4.) Create Installer - Fail

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Message 3 of 7
Accepted by topic author Siriusly

@Siriusly wrote:

Copying distribution 'SiriusXM Mad Max' from: C:\Users\bbanacki\AppData\Local\Temp\7ZipSfx.000\Mad Max Installer\ to: C:\ProgramData\National Instruments\MDF\ProductCache\

*** Error: Windows SDK function returned an error. (Error code -12)
The system cannot find the path specified.

*** Error Details:
Error in MDF API function: _MDFDistCopyList_CopyItem
Windows function FindFirstFile returned an error. Error code: 3
*** End Error Report

Done building deployment


It looks like your installer build is trying to pull the "SiriusXM Mad Max" distribution from an unusual temp location. If this distribution was hiding inside a 7zip file and has since been altered or deleted, that we certainly confuse the installer builder. Do you know if this distribution contained the DAQmx installers you are trying to build with?


Here are a few things you could try if this is the case.


1. If an installer build ever suceeded while pulling source from this temp location, the location may have been saved as known good source. To undo this saved information, you can delete the file at C:\ProgramData\National Instruments\MDF\Bin\MDFInfo.xml


2. If C:\Users\bbanacki\AppData\Local\Temp\7ZipSfx.000\Mad Max Installer\ is a valid path on your machine, try moving or renaming this folder. This should cause the installer builder to prompt you for source media. This prompt window will allow you to configure which distributions you provide as source for the build (depending on the version of the installer builder tool installed, you may have to click "No" to the question "Do you have all of these installers?" to get to the configuration page).


3. Install the latest version of the installer build tool. A new one released with LV 2013, and it should be available to download either through NI Update Service or on the web somewhere


4. All else fails... post your full installer build log! LabVIEW generates this for us at %temp%\LVProjectName_InstallerName_build.log

Message 4 of 7



I have listed my comments to your previously listed items.  To sum it up, step 2 resolved my isssue 


1.  I deleted the below file and recieved the same error after attempting to create the installer.

"C:\ProgramData\National Instruments\MDF\Bin\MDFInfo.xml"



2. If C:\Users\bbanacki\AppData\Local\Temp\7ZipSfx.000\Mad Max Installer\ is a valid path on your machine, try moving or renaming this folder. This should cause the installer builder to prompt you for source media. This prompt window will allow you to configure which distributions you provide as source for the build (depending on the version of the installer builder tool installed, you may have to click "No" to the question "Do you have all of these installers?" to get to the configuration page).


The "C:\Users\bbanacki\AppData\Local\Temp\7ZipSfx.000\Mad Max Installer\" is a valid path on my machine so I renamed it then attempted to create the installer.  The installer created succesfully!  There were no prompts or anything out of the ordinary during the build process.


3. I did not need to try this step as step two resolved my issue.


4. I did not need to try this step as step two resolved my issue.


Thanks for the response it was greatly appreciated.

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Message 5 of 7

Hello there, i have a similiar problem. i already bulit an application but when i try to make a installer, an error shows up (i attach the error code). i cannot understand what is the problem. can someone help me  

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Message 6 of 7

Hi Gringo888,


Have you tried the steps outlined in this thread already? Your error, while possessing the same code (-12), seems like it might be caused by something unrelated to the error discussed above -- the error above is clearly a path issue, whereas the error message you're experiencing does not make mention of paths. If the steps above do not seem relevant to your error, I would recommend making a new thread. 


As an aside, it would make logical sense in the call hierarchy of the error message that 'AB_' would refer to Application Builder VIs, and that 'IB_' would refer to Installer Builder VIs. MSI is a Microsoft installer package, so this error might be related to something Windows-specific. If / when you create a new thread, please try to include all relevant information - versions of LabVIEW and the OS, additional installers specified, and possibly any logs.




Andrew T.
"His job is to shed light, and not to master" - Robert Hunter
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Message 7 of 7