05-03-2012 10:15 AM
Good day,
I am trying to use the example I got from the NI web about digitalStartandStopTrigger.vi without any modification but it keeps on giving me the Error -200213 occurred at DAQmx Start Task.vi:5.
Please any help is more than welcome.
05-03-2012 12:34 PM
Hi Stephanie,
When I looked up that error, I found the following information:
What have you specified for the number of pretrigger samples, posttrigger samples, and samples per channel?
05-26-2015 12:55 PM
I get the same error. I don't know how to solve it...
05-26-2015 01:59 PM
05-26-2015 02:21 PM
yes I did.. I tried changing the number of samples per channels and also number of pretrigger samples... did not work!!!!
here is a picture of my Vi. hope it helps...
it's really simple:
the first line is generating a signal, the second line is the trigger for the last line which is acquiring data.
about the trigger property node.. I have no idea.. I just found it somewhere and used it.
the vi worked before but I have bought a new device and its not working anymore. new device is S series...