Just a couple of days ago I was given a task to complete. To transfer a Labview program from a desktop computer to laptop.
The program itself uses a marlin camera to count the number of seeds.
The transfer was fine I installed Labview 8.2, installed the DAQmx drivers and labview vision.
I then transffered the program files over and ran the program on the laptop in labview and found an ERROR: Error -200220 occurred at DAQmx Create Channel (CO-Pulse Generation-Time).vi:1
I remember that the desktop had a kind of board attached to it: some NI board dont know the model etc.
can this be a problem? I have ensured that the problem is not the camera by checking it in MAX and it works fine.
When i do step by step debugging the problem comes to a VI that uses a palette called DAQmx trigger - data acquisition palette.
please see the attached picture!!
Is this VI the problem then and is this palette the main problem that is not enabling this program to work??
p.s. Will it be necessary to use the NI board then? if so i dont think it will work on the laptop then as you will need to install the daq card
which can only be done on a desktop i think!!