09-19-2019 08:37 PM
Hi folks - having trouble with setting up an NI 9205 AI card for analog reference triggering. I followed the example at
I don't get an error when running the "Initialize DAQ 2.vi", but later when I run the "DAQmx Start Task.vi" I get error -89131, with the message:
An attempt has been made to perform a route when the source and the destination are the same terminal.
In many cases, such as when configuring an external clock or a counter source, you must select a PFI, PXI Trigger, or RTSI line as the source terminal.
Property: SampClk.Src
Property: SampClk.ActiveEdge
Source Device: cDAQ1
Source Terminal: ai/SampleClock
Well yes, the Source string for the DAQmx Trigger.vi *IS* the same as the Physical Channel name! I did it that way because that's what the example did (I don't know any better).
Anybody got any idea what's wrong here? Much thanks, paul
09-19-2019 11:21 PM
Hello? Can I confirm your operation?
1st try: Run "Initialize DAQ 2.vi", no error
2nd try: error -89131 returned
Is this right?
If so, you don't clear DAQmx task in the VI,
the error may be broken out.
Clear the task and try it again.
09-20-2019 03:35 PM
Emboar - well, I added a Clear Task before the Start Task, and the error goes away. But isn't that going to wipe out what I set up for the task? paul
09-23-2019 11:20 AM
Your AI loop is the same task. See the code below:
You were setting up the sample clock twice. That is why you were getting the error. It is unnecessary. Set it up once and that will be all you need to do for the AI task.
09-23-2019 02:16 PM
Mucho thanko Tim - will try it tonight when I get home - paul