Hi, I am pretty new to LabVIEW and right now I am just trying to set up a simple test (source current, measure voltage) using the Keithley 2400 and Labview 8.2
I got the driver for this instrument off of NI's website at
In the Measurement and Automator it sees the Keithley (GPIB0::14::INSTR) and I also gave it an alias so it is easier to find amungst the other hardware current set up.
I wrote a simple program using some of the VIs in the driver to source a current and read a voltage. When the program runs, it errors out, and then after it errors the keithley still runs the test. I can see the measurement on the front panel of the instrument however it does not send anything back to the computer.
I then tried to just run an example found in the driver and I get the exact same error.
Error -1074000000 occurred at Keithley 24XX.lvlib:Error Query.vi
Possible reason(s):
Instrument reports:
-113,"Undefined header"
0,"No error"
Complete call chain:
Keithley 24XX.lvlib:Error Query.vi
Keithley 24XX.lvlib:Read (Multiple Points).vi
Keithley 24XX.lvlib:Read (Single Point).vi
Keithley 24XX Read Single.vi
Anyone have any idea's as to what might be causing this error? Any help would be greatly appreciated