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Error using the Keithley 2400

Hi, I am pretty new to LabVIEW and right now I am just trying to set up a simple test (source current, measure voltage) using the Keithley 2400 and Labview 8.2
I got the driver for this instrument off of NI's website at
In the Measurement and Automator it sees the Keithley (GPIB0::14::INSTR) and I also gave it an alias so it is easier to find amungst the other hardware current set up.
I wrote a simple program using some of the VIs in the driver to source a current and read a voltage.  When the program runs, it errors out, and then after it errors the keithley still runs the test.  I can see the measurement on the front panel of the instrument however it does not send anything back to the computer.
I then tried to just run an example found in the driver and I get the exact same error.
Error -1074000000 occurred at Keithley 24XX.lvlib:Error
Possible reason(s):
Instrument reports:
-113,"Undefined header"
0,"No error"
Complete call chain:
     Keithley 24XX.lvlib:Error
     Keithley 24XX.lvlib:Read (Multiple Points).vi
     Keithley 24XX.lvlib:Read (Single Point).vi
     Keithley 24XX Read
Anyone have any idea's as to what might be causing this error?  Any help would be greatly appreciated
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Message 1 of 4
Hello nblue:

Can you communicate with the Keithley 2400 in Measurement and Automation? Do you know if there is a query command for the instrument, if so can you test to see if you can query the instrument to make sure it is working.

Roland A.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

Check out VI Roadshow
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Message 2 of 4

Not sure if this applies to you, but I had an experience with one of my Keithleys that did not like the "TRIG:CLE" command (a different one did). I had to remove it to get those VIs to work. Haven't dug in far enough to understand it. Still debugging.


On a similar note I get the 113 Undefined Header error randomly. I can run a loop with 100 cycles and sometimes it will popup after 20, and sometimes not at all. Also, still debugging this issue.

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Message 3 of 4
check with Keithley to make sure that the source meter is running the latest FW version.  And it is possible for the driver to have a badly formed command.  I see them all the time

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
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Message 4 of 4