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Feeding additional data to Write to Measurement File VI

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In your Insert into Array, where is the blue index wire coming from?  What is the value on it?


For your other code, Build Array is just fine, just make sure you right click on it and pick Concatenate.  Right now you are taking 1-D arrays of waveforms and turning them into a 2-D array of waveforems wich the Write to Measurement File doesn't know how to handle that.  With concatenate, you'll have a longer 1-D array which the Write to Measurment should understand.

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Message 11 of 21

Ah sorry about that, the blue wire coming in was the number of channels that are being logged from the DAQ (which can be 0-15), My thinking was that this would add the DMM data after the TC data.


I did not know that I could change to concatenate, that is very helpful! Unfortuntely I did this and the output log file started seperating each temp measurement into a seperate sheet in excel and there is no sign of the DMM data....



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Message 12 of 21
You are using the wrong function to create the waveform data. The create waveform (sorry about the wrong name), is just a bundle with a t0, dt, and y array inputs. Use a single build array with the DAQmx array and the separate waveforms from the dmm.
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Message 13 of 21

Is the code below what you mean? If so, I am running into the same new sheet problem with the log file 😞



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Message 14 of 21
A SINGLE build array with the dmm waveforms concatenated to the DAQmx array.
0 Kudos
Message 15 of 21

Got ya. BElow is my latest attempt. This yields one measurement per sheet in the output file and no sign of the dmm data. I am wondering if it would be best to ditch the "Write to measurement file" VI...



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Message 16 of 21
Accepted by strike2108
I seldom use the express functions so I'm unsure why you don't see the dmm data. What sort of file are you saving to? The other thing you can try is to get the t0 and dt from one of the DAQmx channels and use those values for the dmm waveforms.
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Message 17 of 21

Looks like matching the dt and t0 values does the trick. Here is how I got the data combined in order to format correctly in the log file:



Thanks for all the help!

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Message 18 of 21
A simple index array could have been used to get the DAQmx waveform. I'm also not sure if the Set Dynamic Attributes does anything, especially since you aren't setting anything. You can use it to set the channel name. I also prefer the Build Array over the Insert.
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Message 19 of 21

Thanks for the insight, I will try to utilize build array so I can just concatenate rather than inserting to avoid potential problems. The set dynamic data attributes is an express VI that you can open and type the channel names rather than wire something in physically. I did this because teh dmm values were showing up in the log file with headers of "Untitled".

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Message 20 of 21