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Fehler 50103

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Hi there!
I've got a few quite simple questions:
I'm trying to realize a measure with 3 analog-in channels. my stupid "noob" idea was to copy the VI, paste it below ans change the physical channel and names in order to realize another channel. that doesn't work and i receive "fehler 50103".
How can I get two other channels? For each one a file to save the data should be created and i would like to see the diagramm in the same display.
To make it clear, see the snapshot of my VI. 
Thanks a lot for your answers! 
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Message 1 of 9

You would perform all measurements in the same task. Look up the DAQmx help for 'Physikalischer Kanal', you can name it like ai0:2 to measure ai0, ai1, ai2.



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Message 2 of 9
I do not understand, sorry. What does that mean? Where can I choose more than one channel in the VI "create virtual channel"?
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Message 3 of 9

The front panel control 'Physikalischer Kanal' is something like 'dev1/ai0'. Try to use 'dev1/ai0:2'. The rest is already set up for multi-channel measurement.



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Message 4 of 9

But the programme I've posted within the picture does work! 

I tried to copy all what you can see there in order to create another channel and set the physical channnel to another one. 

Sorry, but I can't catch what you mean! 

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Message 5 of 9
Accepted by topic author Frankentaler

Well, you just have a single hardware in your system. To go more into detail, if you use an M-Series DAQ you have a single ADC with a multiplexer on the input side. So the driver layer needs to lock your copied code. I tried to explain you, who to do it the right way: Only one task (because only one device) but set it up for multichannel measurement.



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Message 6 of 9

Ah okay. See what you mean now. Thanks.

But if I change the physical channels to "ai0:2", I receive a new mistake: "Fehler 50405 - Es findet keine Übertragung stat,..."

Arrrgh!! What's happening now? 

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Message 7 of 9
Stop! It works! Thank you so much!
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Message 8 of 9




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Message 9 of 9