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GOOP Developer free of charge for commercial use

Hi All

Just to let everyone know that GOOP Developer Full Version 2.2 is now available for commercial use free of charge.

This is being offered as a gift to the LabVIEW Community. I am also willing to release the source code for GOOP Developer under the BSD Open Source License, if enough people are interested. There is some cool stuff in there which I'm happy to share.

Note that GOOP Developer uses scripting to achieve a lot of its wizardry, and now that LabVIEW scripting has been released by NI I can now disclose the scripting code under the hood.

Since GOOP Developer is an executable built with LabVIEW 7.1 I had to perform a few tricks to get the exe to command LabVIEW to do the operations necessary, as you are aware not every property or method that you can run in development mode can be performed by a LabVIEW exe. This is where the concept of agents came in, get your exe to run a vi in the development environment to do the sneaky work.

If any of you script junkies want to take a look at a few tricks, download GOOP Developer and have a look in the Agents folder. The password is "scigoop"

To download GOOP Developer 2.2 simply goto my site

BTW, all of my software is now free of charge.
Kurt Friday
Message 1 of 4



great tool, I'm impressed, thank you very much!


I had some trouble to get it work on LabVIEW 8.0.1 and found the solution

so I'd like to post it here:


If you're using LV 8.0.1 and get a message "Unable to retrieve all VI's in memory",

do the following: Go to the "Agents" subfolder and rename "8.0" to "8.0.1".

Now it should work perfectly.


I think this could also apply to LabVIEW 8.5.1 so anyone using 8.5.1 could try to rename

folder "8.5" to "8.5.1".



Message 2 of 4
It's been a while since I last looked at GOOP Developer, but it certainly seemed to be an impressive bit of kit. SciWare's history of open source code is certainly appreciated.

Try to take over the world!
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4

Thanks Candidus for picking that issue up and posting a fix.


I'll include those in the next upload I do.

Kurt Friday
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 4